Global & Disaster Medicine

Ebola: 84 Survivors reported musculoskeletal pain (70%), headache (48%), and ocular problems (14%).

Scott JT, Sesay FR, Massaquoi TA, Idriss BR, Sahr F, Semple MG. Post-Ebola syndrome, Sierra Leone. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016 Apr [date cited].

Table 5

Post-Ebola complaints other than headache, musculoskeletal pain, or ocular problems among 44 survivors, Sierra Leone

Complaint No. (%; 95% CI, %)
Cough 5 (11; 4–25)
Abdominal pain 4 (9; 3–22)
Chest pain 4 (9; 3–22)
Itching 4 (9; 3–22)
Insomnia 3 (7; 1–19)
Fever 3 (7; 1–19)
Loss of appetite 3 (7; 1–19)
Labored speech 2 (5; 1–15)
Epigastric pain 2 (5; 1–15)
Rash 2 (5; 1–5)
Other* 1 (2; 0–12)

*Weight loss, hiccups, increased appetite, chest pain, sneezing, diarrhea, vomiting, left sided weakness with facial nerve palsy, breathlessness, rash, dry flaky skin, earache, fever blister/cold sore, left scrotal swelling, nasal congestion, tremors.

Table 3

Musculoskeletal symptoms described by 31 patients with post-Ebola syndrome, Sierra Leone*

Area of pain Patient sex

Joint, unspecified 5 9 14
Knee, unspecified 2 0 2
Right knee joint 0 1 1
Shoulder joint




Generalized body 4 4 8
Upper back 1 3 4
Musculoskeletal, unspecified 2 0 2
Left thigh 1 1 2
Lower limb 0 1 1
Right thigh 1 0 1
Gluteal muscle 1 0 1

*Values are no. patients. Some survivors reported >1 area of pain. The proportion of male and female survivors with musculoskeletal pain did not differ significantly (χ2, p = 0.7).

Table 4

Ocular symptoms described by 6 patients with post-Ebola syndrome, Sierra Leone

Patient age, y/sex Symptom
8/F Eye pain
14/F Clear eye discharge
20/F Clear eye discharge
28/F Red eyes and blurred vision on the left
29/F Red eyes
46/M Blurred vision

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