Global & Disaster Medicine

Ukrainians receive first antitoxin against botulism since 2014


“….Over the last months, Ukraine faced an outbreak of botulism – 76 cases recorded since the beginning of the year, 8 of them fatal. Ministry of Health of Ukraine faced a serious challenge fighting the current outbreak, as there are no botulism antitoxins registered in Ukraine since 2014. Moreover, there was no budget funding allocated for procurement of this kind.

International organizations were asked to help resolve the issue. United Nations Development Program reacted and expressed readiness to provide humanitarian response.

The antitoxin, which is produced only by a few manufacturers around the world, was sourced by UNDP within the shortest possible period. High-quality medicine manufactured in Canada arrived to airport in Kyiv today, from where it is being transferred to the specialized warehouse of the Ministry of Health.

Current shipment will allow to form the essential stock, which will be used to immediately cover new cases that might occur. Serums will be urgently provided in case of need…..”

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