Global & Disaster Medicine

Rapid Nanopore Whole-Genome Sequencing for Anthrax Emergency Preparedness

McLaughlin HP, Bugrysheva JV, Conley AB, Gulvik CA, Cherney B, Kolton CB, et al. Rapid Nanopore Whole-Genome Sequencing for Anthrax Emergency Preparedness. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(2):358-361.


“……as few as 8.5 hours would be required to find evidence of known AMR genes/markers or engineering, including gene insertions and extrachromosomal plasmids from B. anthracis. Although conventional AST remains essential for characterizing functional antimicrobial resistance in B. anthracis, nanopore sequencing provided same-day, on-site genomic characterization useful for an anthrax emergency response.….”

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