Fall Career Expo a Success

The University of Toledo Engineering Career Development Center hosted the Fall 2015 Engineering Career Expo on Wednesday, September 23, 2015.

A record number of companies attended this event. Representatives from over 160 companies were available to talk to students and alumni of the College of Engineering.

“Many companies from across the United States participate in this event,” said Dr. Vickie Kuntz, Director of the Engineering Career Development Center. “A few of the nationally recognized companies include Dana Holding, Campbell Soup Supply Company, Cooper Tire, FirstEnergy, General Electric, Honda, Johnson & Johnson, KIEWIT, Marathon, SSOE and Whirlpool.”

The expo was a great opportunity for job-seeking students to network with employers.

In past career expos at the College of Engineering, student attendance has been over 600. Dr. Kuntz estimates that between 600 & 700 students and alumni participated at this fall expo as well.

The expo was open to University of Toledo students who enrolled in the College of Engineering. Additionally, UT Engineering alumni interested in seeking a new position were also welcome.

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