Behin Elahi Recipient of 2015 Young Engineer of the Year Award

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 4.00.01 PMDoctoral candidate Behin Elahi received the “Young Engineer of the Year” award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in recognition of her superior academic achievement. This award was presented to her on Nov 12, 2015 at the annual Toledo section-IEEE institute night. Behin Elahi is a Doctoral Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant in Industrial Engineering at the University of Toledo. She works on projects related to Green Supply Chain Planning, Optimization of Systems, and Lean Manufacturing under supervision of Dr. Matthew Franchetti. She is also a project manager of the Business Waste Reduction Assistance Program, Partnership of Lucas County with the Sustainable Systems Laboratory at College of Engineering, University of Toledo (Principal Investigator: Dr. Matthew Franchetti). Dr. Franchetti, Behin Elahi, and Somik Ghose have recently written a book titled “Value Creation through Sustainable Manufacturing: Practical Implementation Roadmap” which is under contract to be published by industrial press in 2015.


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