Archive for August, 2013

Former Student Jason Day Creates Student Greenhouse Project At St. John’s Jesuit

Former Judith Herb College of Education LAMP student Jason Day helped create The Student Greenhouse Project at St. John’s Jesuit.  This project gives students opportunities to learn first-hand about preserving the environment, green intiatives, and growing cycles of plants.  To find out more read the article from Titan Topics:


The St. John’s Greenhouse Project

Licensure and Master’s Program Holds Summer Poster Presentation


The University of Toledo’s Accelerated Licensure And Master’s Program ( LAMP) is designed for those that have a bachelor degree in a major, other than education.

LAMP students complete a one-year internship while taking graduate courses at The University of Toledo for Ohio licensure and a Master’s of Education Degree.  At the end of the internship, LAMP students present their ideas and examples of how to teach the important concepts in their content through an interactive poster presentation. Included in those attending the presentation are other education students in the Judith Herb College of Education, University of Toledo faculty, superintendents, school principals, mentor teachers and invited guests.

Through the poster presentation, students address what questions can or should be asked in language arts, mathematics, social studies or science classrooms.  They share what types of investigations students should engage in, as well as examples of those investigations.







