Archive for May, 2015

Join us on Thursday, May 7, for the LAMP Poster Event

We hope you can join us on Thursday, May 7, for this year’s LAMP Poster Event. The event will take place from 3-6 pm, on the third floor of Gillham.

This poster event will give our interns the opportunity to share what they are learning about teaching content. These interns have been in their classrooms working intensively with students for many weeks. Now we are asking them to share ideas about what they have been learning as they respond to the guiding question, Who am I as a teacher of content?

Faculty and administrators from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences, and the College of Engineering will be joining us. You will also have the opportunity to talk with area superintendents, principals and mentor teachers about their experiences working with LAMP Interns.


LAMP poster event invitation 2015