Archive for June, 2016

ED Cohort begins

Finding qualified teachers for children with emotional and behavior disorders (ED) has been a historic challenge for large school districts, including Toledo Public School (TPS).   Because of the nature of the job, the supply of educators who are willing to teach students with emotional and behavior disorders does not meet the demand.  Often times the open position is filled with substitute teachers.  These individuals may have very limited experiences as teachers, or are licensed in another area (e.g., Early childhood education or middle grades education).

TPS and the Judith Herb College of Education (JHCOE) have work collaboratively to recruit  a cohort of candidates who will become highly qualified educators who focus on effective teaching for students with emotional and behavior disorders. This partnership will be model on past partnerships between the two institutions (e.g., Urban Leaders Development Program [ULDP]). Courses for the cohort began June 20.  Welcome new graduate students!

ED Chort pic