Archive for February, 2017

Visiting Scholar: Aurora Chang, PhD


intersectional story-telling, educational agency, and mindful resistance under a US autocracy

Join the Judith Herb College of Education in welcoming Dra. Aurora Chang for a dynamic and interactive speaking engagement.

March 15, 2017

7:00 pm

Health & Human Sciences Building (Main Campus), room 1711


 Aurora Chang, PhD is an assistant professor at Loyola University, where she teaches coursework on multicultural education, school reform, undocumented students, Chicana Feminist Epistemology, and urban schooling.  Chang’s research focuses on the intersection of education, identity, and agency within traditionally marginalized communities. View vita.


Free and Open to All

Free Parking in Area 1S

Sponsored through the Graduate Student Association

TECH TOOLS for Classroom Engagement

Thursday, February 23, 2017

5:30 pm

Gillham Hall 3050

Presenter:  Josh Spieles, Director of the Carver Center

Are you interested in learning more about SMART Boards and the SMART notebook software? Would you like to find out about other interactive applications and some free or low cost alternatives to SMART Notebook?

Then join Josh for an in-depth look at SMART Notebook software, and alternatives like Promethean, Gynzy, Kahoot, and others. Bring your questions as we explore a variety of classroom tools.

Space is limited – RSVP to


Popcorn, water, & giveaways!

Event sponsored by the Student Affairs Committee

Now Hiring – Field Supervisors

We are looking to increase our pool of supervisors for our teacher candidates.  Do you know someone who could be a good mentor for young teachers?  
Supervisors play an important role in the development of the next generation of educators.  By making classroom visits to observe student teachers, supervisors have a great opportunity to support, guide, and assist future teachers.


  • Minimum three years teaching experience
  • Master’s degree in field
  • Minimum technology skills

Benefits of being a supervisor:

  • Staying connected to the field of education
  • Flexible schedule
  • Stipend and milage reimbursement

For additional information, contact
Jennifer Fulwider, Coordinator of Student Field Experiences