Archive for February, 2020

Early Research Career Award: Dr. Kate Delaney

The Early Education/Child Development Special Interest Group of the American Education Research Association (AERA) has announced that Dr. Kate Delaney is the recipient of the 2020 Early Research Career Award.  

She was unanimously selected by the committee after a review of her articles, CV, and nomination letters.  Mary Jane Morgan, the award chair, acknowledged Delaney’s attention to politics and practice that have influenced the high quality of her methodological approach, lenses used, and rigorous investigations. Specifically, the committee identified Delaney’s innovative peer-reviewed publications, the impact of these publications in the ECE field, and a practical aspect of her work. The award will be presented at AERA’s annual meeting in April.









Dr. Kate Delany joined the faculty at UToledo in 2015, as an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education. She has earned degrees from Columbia University (AB), and the University of Wisconsin (MS & PhD). Congratulations, Kate!