Archive for April, 2022

Education Graduate Relishes the Importance of Teaching

Max Venia’s career path led him directly to UToledo, where he could have the most impact as a future educator — just like his mother, a kindergarten teacher.

The full article can be found here:


JHCOE Faculty Joins the 2022 Promising Scholars Cohort

Kate Delaney, associate professor of early childhood and special education poses for her environmental portrait outside Gillham Hall.

The Foundation for Child Development is proud to announce the 2022 Promising Scholars. Congratulations to this new cohort!

Promising Scholars were Young Scholars Program applicants who demonstrated exceptional potential to conduct rigorous high-quality implementation research focused on the early care and education workforce. Over the next year, they will receive resources and supports to further refine their research skills and knowledge.

Katherine K. Delaney, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education
Department of Teacher Education
University of Toledo

Research Interest Area: Supporting early childhood educators’ professional practices to facilitate access to and utilization of early intervention evaluation and services for children with potential developmental delays and disabilities, and their families

I am honored to be chosen as a Promising Scholar by the Foundation. This program offers an incredible opportunity to continue to develop my line of research, to build relationships with scholars working in other disciplines, and to gain new skills. I look forward to continuing to develop my research agenda to better understand how to best support diverse populations of early childhood educators, working in varied auspices of care, in the identification and inclusion of young children with developmental needs and/or disabilities. Including the voices, perspectives, and experiences of early childhood educators in the design of professional learning experiences is key to building truly responsive systems of early childhood professional education.