Archive for the ‘Grants’ Category

UT Awarded Grant to Train Teachers

Congratulations Dr. Schneider!  The University of Toledo received a grant for their teacher credentialing programs in Biology, Chemistry, and English.  These online graduate programs are designed to be completed in 18 months and include a one-week, on-campus experience each summer.


UT faculty member, Dr. Charlene Czerniak, receives the highest rank — Distinguished University Professor

Dr. Charlene M. Czerniak, professor of science education in the Judith Herb College of Education, Health Science and Human Service. She has been at UT for 23 years. To date, she has generated $30 million in extramural funds from places such as the National Science Foundation. She has presented more than 50 times nationally and internationally, as well as more than 50 times at state and regional meetings. Czerniak has published approximately 50 papers and nine book chapters, and is editor of several books and journals. She has received the George Mallinson Distinguished Service Award, the Christa McAuliffe Award for Excellence in Teacher Education, the Judith Herb College of Education Research Award and the Distinguished Alumni Award for Service.