Five cases of botulism caused by botulinum neurotoxin type E (BoNT E) have been diagnosed in November 2016 in two countries: 3 cases in males in Germany and 2 cases in partners (one male and one female) in Spain.

European Food Safety Association

“…..On 22 November 2016, Germany reported two laboratory-confirmed cases of foodborne botulism BoNT -type E in adult males from two neighbouring states with onset dates in early November to the Epidemic Intelligence Information System for Food- and Waterborne Diseases and Zoonoses (EPIS-FWD). Both patients had clinical symptoms compatible with botulism and their stool samples were confirmed positive for gene-encoding BoNT E in the German Consultant Laboratory for botulism. Both patients had eaten ‘dried and salted roach’ (Rutilus rutilus). On 28 November 2016, Germany posted an alert in the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS). On 7 December, Germany updated EWRS with information on an additional case, later confirmed, from a third German state with clinical symptoms of botulism and disease onset 24 November 2016. The patient had eaten dried and salted roach (Rutilus rutilus). Analyses of faecal samples were initiated in order to verify the botulism. The three German patients have a Russian background. On 19 December 2016, Germany reported a fourth confirmed case of foodborne botulism in a female with a Kazakh background through EWRS. She had consumed dried and salted roach and fell ill on 11 December 2016.  On 25 November 2016, Spain reported two probable cases of botulism in partners (one male and one female). The cases were Russian nationals with residence in Spain who consumed dried and salted fish ’Plötze Salz’ (Rutilus rutilus) and developed symptoms on 5 and 6 November 2016. The results of the clinical samples tested were negative…….”


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