CDC: Zika Update


As of December 7, 2016 (5 am EST)

  • Zika virus disease and Zika virus congenital infection are nationally notifiable conditions.
  • This update from the CDC Arboviral Disease Branch includes provisional data reported to ArboNET for January 01, 2015 – December 7, 2016.

US States

  • Locally acquired mosquito-borne cases reported: 185
  • Travel-associated cases reported: 4,389
  • Laboratory acquired cases reported:  1
  • Total: 4,575
    • Sexually transmitted: 38
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 13

	Map of the United States showing Travel-associated and Locally acquired cases of the Zika virus.  The locations and number of cases can be found in the table below.

US Territories

  • Locally acquired cases reported: 33,712
  • Travel-associated cases reported: 126
  • Total: 33,838*
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 50

*Sexually transmitted cases are not reported for US territories because with local transmission of Zika virus it is not possible to determine whether infection occurred due to mosquito-borne or sexual transmission.

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