Global & Disaster Medicine

Archive for March, 2017

Attack in London: Perhaps 4 dead and at least 20 injured outside the Houses of Parliament


  1. A police officer has died after being stabbed outside the Houses of Parliament
  2. Two other people have died and at least 20 others are injured after the attacker drove into them in a car on Westminster Bridge
  3. The alleged assailant was shot and killed by armed police
  4. Footage on social media shows people lying injured in the road
  5. Metropolitan Police say they are treating it as a terrorist incident and buildings are in lockdown

Federal authorities have confirmed that a cyanide trap intended to kill coyotes in eastern Idaho instead killed a dog in an incident that local law enforcement officials say also injured a 14-year-old boy.



“….M-44s are spring-activated devices typically smeared with bait that shoot poison into an animal’s mouth when it tugs on the trap. The federal government uses the devices to control predator populations in an effort to limit losses to livestock operators….”

Two people have died in a Danish outbreak of Salmonella that has infected at least 19 people.

Food Safety News

“….Several of the outbreak victims reported having eaten a commercial frozen, microwaveable dinner consisting of meatloaf, potatoes and sauce….”


Belgium: A memorial to the victims of terrorism will be unveiled in Brussels on the first anniversary of the attacks that killed 32 people and injured more than 320.

The Guardian

The Guardian -March 2016


Agony in a Venezuelan Mental Health Hospital: NY TIMES, 12/18/16



Boko Haram has abducted many hundreds, if not thousands, of girls and boys across the region, forcing them to fight, to cook, to clean and even to bear children. To much of the world, the kidnapping of nearly 300 girls from their school dormitory in the town of Chibok three years ago was the seminal moment in the crisis, followed by another horror: children, as young as 7 or 8, being used as suicide bombers.

NY Times


Hong Kong’s Centre for Health Protection (CHP) announced that China reported 21 more H7N9 avian influenza cases, 4 of them fatal, from Mar 10 to Mar 16.

Hong Kong DOH


Saudi MOH: ‘1 New Confirmed Corona Cases Recorded’


Despite fewer cases, Brazil has confirmed 2 cases of yellow fever in a city just 83 miles away from Rio de Janeiro.


17 Mar 2017

Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection present in some tropical areas of Africa and South America.

In South America, there are two transmission cycles of yellow fever:
– A sylvatic cycle, involving transmission of the virus between Haemagogus or Sabethes mosquitoes and primates. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes from primates to humans when humans are visiting or working in the forest.
– An urban cycle, involving transmission of the virus between Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and humans. The virus is usually introduced in an urban area by a viraemic human who was infected in the forest.

Brazil has been experiencing an outbreak of yellow fever since December 2016. The outbreak was notified on 6 January 2017.

Weekly Summary
Between 6 and 16 March 2017, Brazil reported 20 additional cases of yellow fever, mostly in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. On 15 March 2017, the state of Rio de Janeiro reported its two first confirmed autochthonous cases in the municipality of Casimiro de Abreu, located 135 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro.

On 10 March 2017, the Netherlands reported a confirmed case of yellow fever in a traveller returning from Suriname.

During week 10 of 2017, Ecuador reported a confirmed case of yellow fever in the province of Sucumbios, which borders Colombia. Prior to this case, the last confirmed yellow fever case in Ecuador was reported in 2012 in the province of Napo.

Epidemiological Summary
On 6 January 2017, Brazil reported an outbreak of yellow fever. The index case had onset of symptoms on 18 December 2016. The first laboratory confirmation was notified on 19 January 2017.

Between 6 January and 16 March 2017, Brazil has reported 1 357 cases (933 suspected and 424 confirmed), including 249 deaths (112 suspected and 137 confirmed). The case-fatality rate is 18.3% among all cases and 32.3% among confirmed cases.

States reporting suspected and confirmed autochthonous cases:
– Minas Gerais has reported 1 074 cases (749 suspected and 325 confirmed), including 189 deaths (78 suspected and 111 confirmed).
– Espírito Santo has reported 243 cases (150 suspected and 93 confirmed), including 48 deaths (26 suspected and 22 confirmed).
– São Paulo has reported 15 cases (11 suspected and four confirmed), including four deaths (one suspected and three confirmed).
– Rio de Janeiro has reported three cases (one suspected and two confirmed), including one confirmed death.

States reporting suspected autochthonous cases:
– Bahia has reported eight suspected cases, including one fatal.
– Tocantins has reported six suspected cases, including one fatal.
– Rio Grande do Norte has reported one suspected case, fatal.
– Goiás has reported three suspected cases, not fatal.

In addition, investigations are ongoing to determine the probable infection site of four further suspected cases.

On 16 March 2017, authorities in the state of Rio de Janeiro identified 47 municipalities as a priority for the vaccination campaign, including the municipality of Casimiro de Abreu, where the two confirmed cases are reported.

The Ministry of Health of Brazil has launched mass vaccination campaigns in addition to routine vaccination activities. As of 16 March 2017, 16.15 million extra doses of yellow fever vaccine had been sent to five states: Minas Gerais (7.5 million), São Paulo (3.25 million), Espírito Santo (3.45 million), Rio de Janeiro (1.05 million) and Bahia (900 000).


March 20, 1995: In Tokyo, 12 people were killed and more than 5,500 others sickened when packages containing sarin leaked on 5 separate subway trains.


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