Neurological complications associated with Zika virus in adults in Brazil

Eureka News Alert

“…..A new article published by JAMA Neurology reports on a study of hospitalized adult patients with new-onset neurologic syndromes who were evaluated for Zika virus infection.

The single-center study of 40 patients, include 29 with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), seven with encephalitis, three with transverse myelitis and one with newly diagnosed chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

Of those 40 patients, 35 (88 percent) had evidence of recent Zika virus infection in the serum (blood) or cerebrospinal fluid, according to the results. Of the patients who were positive for Zika virus infection, 27 had GBS, five had encephalitis, two had transverse myelitis and one had chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, according to the results…..”

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