What is the PHEMCE?

The PHEMCE is an interagency coordinating body led by the HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, comprising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and interagency partners at the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and Agriculture. It coordinates the development, acquisition, stockpiling, and recommendations for use of medical products that we need to effectively respond to a variety of high consequence public health emergencies, whether naturally occurring or intentional.



The 2017-2018 Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) Strategy and Implementation Plan (SIP) describes the priorities that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in collaboration with its interagency partners, will implement over the next five years. This strategy updates the 2016 PHEMCE SIP and fulfills the annual requirement established by Section 2811(d) of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended by the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA). The annual PHEMCE SIP provides the blueprint the Enterprise will use to enhance national health security through the procurement and effective use of medical countermeasures (MCM). Starting with this iteration of the SIP, the PHEMCE is retitling its SIP to reflect a more forward-focused strategic document by referring to the year the PHEMCE developed it as well as the following year. For example, the PHEMCE developed this SIP in 2017; therefore, it is the 2017-2018 PHEMCE SIP. The PHEMCE examines the SIP goals and objectives annually by taking into consideration the progress achieved and the remaining strategic gaps in MCM preparedness. During the development of the 20172018 PHEMCE SIP, the PHEMCE examined the goals and objectives articulated in the 2016 PHEMCE SIP and determined that no changes were necessary at this time.

The streamlined 2017-2018 PHEMCE SIP provides:

1) a summary of the major recent accomplishments;

2) new activities;

3) updates to the activities from the 2016 PHEMCE SIP; and

4) specific information required annually under PAHPRA reporting mandates.

The 2016 PHEMCE SIP identified priority activities in the near-term (fiscal year (FY) 20172018), mid-term (FY 2019-2020), and long-term (FY 2021 and beyond) timeframes. The PHEMCE maintained these timeframes in the 2017-2018 PHEMCE SIP. The PHEMCE is still pursuing activities detailed in the 2016 PHEMCE SIP unless otherwise noted in this document. All activities described are contingent on available appropriations.


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