Global & Disaster Medicine

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): We need more funding to effectively prepare for public health emergencies!


“…..The hearing focused on the pending reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), a 2006 law that…. implemented several programs aimed at getting the nation ready for emergencies, such as developing and acquiring drugs and vaccines to be used when needed.

“We should be proud of the accomplishments of PAHPA and the progress made over the past decade,” said committee member Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.). “It’s created greater certainty and accountability … and established a clear strategy with which we can combat public health threats we face today. But despite this progress, we’re not fully prepared, and more work remains to accomplish this goal.”

The hurricane in Puerto Rico provided solid evidence that much work still remains, testified FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD. “The hurricane showed the importance of Puerto Rico to the medical product manufacturing base, and the inadequacies of our supply chain,” he said……”

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