Ebola Virus Outbreaks by Species and Size, Since 1976

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Distribution Map

aire ebolavirus, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, and Sudan ebolavirus are the three species of Ebola virus responsible for the larger outbreaks in Africa. Zaire ebolavirus, the most fatal Ebola virus, was associated with the 2014-2016 outbreak in West Africa, the largest Ebola outbreak to date with more than 28,600 cases. Other large outbreaks of Zaire ebolavirus have resulted in hundreds of cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Gabon. Smaller outbreaks of this species have also occurred in DRC and Gabon, as well as the Republic of the Congo and South Africa. Sudan ebolavirus, with a fatality rate of 50 percent, has been the cause of several outbreaks in Uganda and others near the border between South Sudan and DRC. Bundibugyo ebolavirus, discovered in 2007, was associated with two outbreaks, one in DRC and the other on the border of DRC and Uganda. Taï Forest ebolavirus, the only other Ebola virus found in West Africa to date, was the cause of one case identified in Côte d’Ivoire.

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Ebola Virus Outbreaks by Species and Size, Since 1976

Country Town Cases Deaths Species Year
Dem. Rep. of Congo Bikoro ongoing ongoing Zaire ebolavirus 2018
Dem. Rep. of Congo Likati 8 4 Zaire ebolavirus 2017
Dem. Rep. of Congo multiple 66 49 Zaire ebolavirus 2014
Multiple countries(https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/outbreaks/2014-west-africa/distribution-map.html#areas) multiple 28652 11325 Zaire ebolavirus 2014-2016
Uganda Luwero District 6* 3* Sudan ebolavirus 2012
Dem. Rep. of Congo Isiro Health Zone 36* 13* Bundibugyo ebolavirus 2012
Uganda Kibaale District 11* 4* Sudan ebolavirus 2012
Uganda Luwero District 1 1 Sudan ebolavirus 2011
Dem. Rep. of Congo Luebo 32 15 Zaire ebolavirus 2008
Uganda Bundibugyo 149 37 Bundibugyo ebolavirus 2007
Dem. Rep. of Congo Luebo 264 187 Zaire ebolavirus 2007
South Sudan Yambio 17 7 Sudan ebolavirus 2004
Republic of Congo Mbomo 35 29 Zaire ebolavirus 2003
Republic of Congo Mbomo 143 128 Zaire ebolavirus 2002
Republic of Congo Not specified 57 43 Zaire ebolavirus 2001
Gabon Libreville 65 53 Zaire ebolavirus 2001
Uganda Gulu 425 224 Sudan ebolavirus 2000
South Africa Johannesburg 2 1 Zaire ebolavirus 1996
Gabon Booue 60 45 Zaire ebolavirus 1996
Gabon Mayibout 37 21 Zaire ebolavirus 1996
Dem. Rep. of Congo Kikwit 315 250 Zaire ebolavirus 1995
Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Tai Forest 1 0 Taï Forest ebolavirus 1994
Gabon Mekouka 52 31 Zaire ebolavirus 1994
South Sudan Nzara 34 22 Sudan ebolavirus 1979
Dem. Rep. of Congo Tandala 1 1 Zaire ebolavirus 1977
South Sudan Nzara 284 151 Sudan ebolavirus 1976
Dem. Rep. of Congo Yambuku 318 280 Zaire ebolavirus 1976

*Numbers reflect laboratory confirmed cases only.

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