Global & Disaster Medicine

Snake envenomation in Nambibia


  • “…..From August, 2015, to July, 2016, there were 721 snakebites recorded, with a peak in December. Of these, 372 resulted in serious injury. 569 bites happened in regions outside the city, and the patients were transferred to Katutura State Hospital after stabilisation.
  • 123 injured people were children younger than 5 years,
  • 120 injured people were aged 6–18 years old, and
  • 133 injured people were older than 19 years.
  • Children younger than 6 years were affected more by the bites than older children and adults.
  • Of the 33 deaths recorded, 21 were children younger than 6 years…..
  • 116 (18%) of 721 patients were treated with polyvalent or monovalent antivenom, and 30 (26%) of these patients died.
  • The low administration of antivenom therapy could be a result of supply line deficiency, insufficient knowledge of clinical providers, or other factors. ….”

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