Archive for the ‘Ethics’ Category

China Uses DNA to Map Faces: Control over ethnic Uighurs?


“…..With a million or more ethnic Uighurs and others from predominantly Muslim minority groups swept up in detentions across Xinjiang, officials in Tumxuk have gathered blood samples from hundreds of Uighurs — part of a mass DNA collection effort……In the long term, experts say, it may even be possible for the Communist government to feed images produced from a DNA sample into the mass surveillance and facial recognition systems that it is building, tightening its grip on society by improving its ability to track dissidents and protesters as well as criminals.….”

Charting an Ethical Course in Providing care Within Global Areas of Conflict

Ethical Challenges in Humanitarianism during Violent Situations

Reality Makes Our Decisions: Ethical Challenges in Humanitarian Health in Situations of Extreme Violence

Report and recommendations: a collaboration among Center for Public Health and Human Rights, Center for Humanitarian Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | International Rescue Committee | Syrian American Medical Society


“…….The ethical principles include respect for persons (i.e., respect for human dignity and for individuals’ autonomous choices), beneficence (the promotion of others’ well-being), non-maleficence “do no harm”, and justice (in both fair distribution of resources and fair processes for decision-making). These four principles, can be adapted to the provision of health care to communities, though how the principles are weighed and applied might differ…..”

Video supports Secure, Preserve, Fight over Run, Hide, Fight in specific healthcare venues


Nuffield Bioethics Document on Pandemic Ethical Considerations

Forward Look 19-20 May 2011


Background Paper

Giovanni De Grandis, University College London Jasper Littmann, University College London / Health Protection Agency

“This paper highlights the main ethical problems raised by strategies aiming at pandemic prevention and control. It outlines what issues nations, policy makers, health care professionals and the public are faced with both during a pandemic and in the attempt to stave it off.”

Nuffield Bioethics

Nuffield Bioethics

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has achieved an international reputation as an independent body advising policy makers and stimulating debate in bioethics.

“The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is an independent body that examines and reports on ethical issues in biology and medicine. It was established by the Trustees of the Nuffield Foundation in 1991, and since 1994 it has been funded jointly by the Foundation, Wellcome and the Medical Research Council.

The Council has achieved an international reputation for advising policy makers and stimulating debate in bioethics.

Terms of reference

  • To identify and define ethical questions raised by recent developments in biological and medical research that concern, or are likely to concern, the public interest;
  • To make arrangements for the independent examination of such questions with appropriate involvement of relevant stakeholders;
  • To inform and engage in policy and media debates about those ethical questions and provide informed comment on emerging issues related to or derived from the Council’s published or ongoing work; and
  • To make policy recommendations to Government or other relevant bodies and to disseminate its work through published reports, briefings and other appropriate outputs.”