Global & Disaster Medicine

Archive for the ‘Explosives’ Category

An explosion and inferno at a fireworks factory near Jakarta killed at least 47 and injured dozens today



10/21/1910: A massive explosion destroys the Los Angeles Times building in the city’s downtown area, killing 21 and injuring many more.

History Channel


7 people were killed and 59 injured Thursday in an explosion at the front gate of a kindergarten in eastern China

CBS News


Drones & ISIS: Could it happen here as a weapon of terror?

NY Times

“….In the past two months, the Islamic State has used more than 80 remotely piloted drones against Iraqi forces and their allies. About one-third of the aircraft, some as small as model airplanes, dropped bombs or were rigged with explosives to detonate on the ground……

Pakistan: A bomb exploded Saturday in a market in a northwest tribal region that borders Afghanistan, killing more than 20 and wounding at least 50

NY Times


A massive explosion gutted Mexico’s biggest fireworks market, killing at least 29 people and injuring 70.

LA Times

MEXICO CITY :  An explosion has ripped through Mexico’s best-known fireworks market causing several deaths and dozens of injuries. 





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