Global & Disaster Medicine

Archive for the ‘Nuclear-Radiation-Contamination’ Category

CDC: Nuclear power plant accidents

CDC: Nuclear weapon

CDC: Dirty bomb

CDC: Improvised nuclear device

CDC: Radiation emergencies & pregnancy


CDC: Radiation contamination vs. exposure

Russian medics who treated radiation victims after a military explosion in the Arctic had no protection and now fear they were irradiated themselves.


“……On 14 August Russia’s weather service Rosgidromet revealed that radiation levels had spiked 16 times above normal, in Severodvinsk, a city 47km (29 miles) east of Nyonoksa……”


Residents of Nenoksa, the village closest to the site of the recent Russian nuclear accident incident, were told to leave on a special train that would be sent to their community. Why?


How many victims after the Chernobyl disaster?


“…….Viktor Sushko, deputy director general of the National Research Centre for Radiation Medicine (NRCRM) based in Kiev, Ukraine, describes the Chernobyl disaster as the “largest anthropogenic disaster in the history of humankind”. The NRCRM estimate around five million citizens of the former USSR, including three million in Ukraine, have suffered as a result of Chernobyl, while in Belarus around 800,000 people were registered as being affected by radiation following the disaster.

Even now the Ukrainian government is paying benefits to 36,525 women who are considered to be widows of men who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

As of January 2018, 1.8 million people in Ukraine, including 377,589 children, had the status of victims of the disaster, according to Sushko and his colleagues. There has been a rapid increase in the number of people with disabilities among this population, rising from 40,106 in 1995 to 107,115 in 2018……..”


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