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CDC Video: Preparing and Administrating Heptavalent Antitoxin for the Treatment of Botulism


Rao AK, Sobel J, Chatham-Stephens K, Luquez C. Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Botulism, 2021. MMWR Recomm Rep 2021;70(No. RR-2):1–30. DOI: icon


Infant Botulism: Information for Clinicians

Consultation, Treatment, and Testing Steps


Infant Botulism Treatment and Prevention Program at the California Department of Public Health


Available 24/7

www.infantbotulism.orgexternal icon

If you suspect your patient has botulism, call immediately. Do not wait for laboratory confirmation.

The on-call physician will provide a no-cost clinical consultation and release BabyBIGexternal icon treatment if the patient’s clinical findings indicate infant botulism.

Call your state health departmentexternal icon to report the suspected case.


Prepareexternal icon and administerexternal icon BabyBIG as soon as it is received. Do not wait for laboratory confirmation.

BabyBIG®, antitoxin for the treatment of infant botulism

BabyBIG®, human antitoxin for the treatment of infant botulism.

Photo courtesy of the California Department of Public Health.


Submit specimens for diagnostic testing through your state health department’s laboratory or CDC. All patients receiving BabyBIG must be tested.

Some laboratories, including CDC, do not routinely accept specimens unless BabyBIG has been released.

Questions about testing and reporting should be directed to your state health department.


The laboratory will report results and notify the state health department of positive results.

Testing can take several days. If you do not hear back within 5 days, contact your state health department.



The La Soufriere volcano erupted Friday morning on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, shooting ash several miles high into the atmosphere. Roughly 16,000 people live in the “red zone” near the volcano and required evacuation.

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Ohio History Connection: History + Public Health, Reflecting on One Year of COVID-19


991 subscribers

Join us as our expert panelists reflect on one year of managing and responding to the impact of COVID-19. We’ll discuss the history of past pandemics and how that informs the development of treatment and vaccines, the importance of a science-based approach and the work ongoing to continue to manage the pandemic and overcome disparities between populations and communities as the vaccines are rolled out.

Dr. Mysheika W. Roberts, MD, MPH, Health Commissioner, Columbus Public Health

Dr. Paul Rega, MD, FACEP, Assistant Professor, Director of EM Simulation Education, UTMC Medical Advisor for Disaster Preparedness, School of Population Health

Dr. Frederic Bertley, Ph. D., President and CEO, COSI

History and Public Health during the Pandemic from the Ohio Historical Connection