Global & Disaster Medicine

Archive for August, 2016

The Italian Earthquake: “…the destruction was amplified by vulnerable buildings whose upgrades to anti-seismic codes were deemed too costly for many Italians to carry out, too complicated to finance and too cumbersome to get approved….”

NY Times

  •  280 or more deaths in about 80 villages
  • Italy is old. About 60 percent of its buildings are estimated to be more than 100 years old.
  • The cost of reinforcing a building to meet anti-seismic standards can be around 300 euro per square meter, which means the owner of a largish apartment faces a cost of some 300,000 euro.


TS Madeline heading for Hawaii

Treatment of EVD with T-705 (favipiravir) was associated with prolonged survival and markedly reduced viral load

Clin Infect Dis

Chang-Qing Bai, Jin-Song Mu, David Kargbo, Ya-Bin Song, et al.  Clinical and Virological Characteristics of Ebola Virus Disease Patients Treated with favipiravir (T-705), Sierra Leone, 2014 Clin Infect Dis. ciw571 first published online August 23, 2016 doi:10.1093/cid/ciw571

“…..Among the 35 patients who finished all designed endpoint observations, the survival rate in T-705 treatment group (64.8%, 11/17) was higher than that of control group (27.8%, 5/18). Furthermore, the average survival time of the treatment group (46.9±5.6 days) was longer than that of the control group (28.9±4.7 days). Most symptoms of patients in the treatment group improved significantly. Additionally, 52.9% of patients who received T-705 had over a 100 fold viral load reduction, compared to only 16.7% of patients in the control group. …..”

Kurdish militants attacked a police checkpoint in southeast Turkey with an explosives-laden truck, killing at least 11 police officers and wounding 78 others


Italy: Death toll rises to 267 with ~ 400 injured and 40 critically injured


TB in India: An estimate of 2·2 million cases, two to three times higher than currently assumed.

The Lancet

The number of privately treated tuberculosis cases in India: an estimation from drug sales data                                                 Arinaminpathy, Nimalan et al.                                                                                                                                                                                   The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Zika in the US: Current data


US States

  • Locally acquired mosquito-borne cases reported: 29
  • Travel-associated cases reported: 2,487
  • Laboratory acquired cases reported:  1
  • Total: 2,517
    • Sexually transmitted: 22
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 7

US Territories

  • Locally acquired cases reported: 8,968
  • Travel-associated cases reported: 43
  • Total: 9,011*
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 26

Florida, 8/25/16: 11 new travel related cases today

Florida Health

Infection Type

 Infection Count

Travel-Related   Infections of Zika


Non-Travel   Related Infections of Zika


Infections   Involving Pregnant Women


Tracking Gaston as it gets closer to Bermuda and beyond

Italy: At least 247 killed, more than 100 injured and 1000 displaced




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