Archive for October, 2016

Weather across America

National Weather Outlook

Northern Rockies sector loop

Central Great Lakes sector loop


Do you know how to evacuate from a plane?

Tropical weather imaging

Syria: Airstrikes on a school complex killed at least 35 people, including 16 children.


Itay: The fact that the first earthquake was weaker than the second probably helped save lives because most people had already left their homes.


  • Injuries but no deaths do far


M6.1 – 2km NNW of Visso, Italy

ShakeMap Intensity image

Estimated Fatalities


Estimated Economic Losses

Structure Information Summary

Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are a mix of vulnerable and earthquake resistant construction. The predominant vulnerable building types are unreinforced brick with mud and mid-rise nonductile concrete frame with infill construction.

Secondary Effects

Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such as landslides that might have contributed to losses.

Selected Cities Exposed

MMI City Pop.
VIII Visso 1 k
VIII Valle e Castello <1 k
VIII Fluminata <1 k
VIII Preci <1 k
VIII Castelsantangelo sul Nera <1 k
VIII Sellano 1 k
VI Perugia 149 k
V Firenze 372 k
V Bologna 371 k
IV Napoli 989 k
IV Roma 2,563 k

M5.5 – 7km SSW of Visso, Italy

ShakeMap Intensity image

UN: 2016 has become the deadliest year yet for migrants crossing the Mediterranean bound for Europe (at least 3,800 people have died).




A suicide attack on a police training center in Pakistan killed over 60 new police recruits and wounded more than 120 others.




The ghosts of the 2010 earthquake haunt Haiti after Hurricane Matthew.

NY Times

“….After the 2010 earthquake, aid groups took over. They worked around a government as devastated as its capital, undermining billions of dollars in aid and the very people it was meant to help.

For now, the government has put a stop to that.

“My biggest challenge is for donors to understand this time that they must work with us,” said Jocelerme Privert, the interim president of Haiti, during an hourlong interview in his office. “They must understand that everything will go through us, and trust that we have control of the situation.”

The lessons of wasted aid, and its duplicative and disorganized delivery, have grounded the government’s belief that what is done this time must be sustainable…..

The United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, chastised the international community on a recent visit for its paltry giving to Haiti this time around. Of the $120 million needed for the hurricane response, less than 20 percent has materialized……..

And sometimes, national priorities are guided more by emotion than reason.

Consider the interior minister’s refusal to distribute tents for hundreds of thousands of people without shelter. It is another scar from 2010, when Haiti became synonymous with tent cities, the images of which were beamed around the world to raise money…..

Jean-Pierre Guiteau, the head of the Haitian Red Cross, said the government needed to be realistic, especially during the rainy season and especially when the only shelters available to many are schools………”